We served as the prime consultant responsible for providing professional engineering, surveying and permitting services to the Broward County Transit Division (BCT) for the analysis and design of existing and new Bus Bay locations throughout Broward County, under the Transit Infrastructure & Shelter Improvements at Bus Stops Project. Our responsibilities for this project included preparation of surveys, coordination of geotechnical investigations, civil engineering design, structural engineering design, permit preparation and processing, modification of permits acquired by the BCT, maintenance of traffic plans, utility relocations coordination, stormwater management and construction management.
Through this project, we designed and modified over 5 bus bays that include, bike lanes, curb, and gutter, landing pads, sidewalk connectors, handicap ramps, shelters and shelter pads. In addition, prepared paving, grading and drainage plans to depict proper stormwater conveyance and retention as per the proposed improvements.