Under this contract, Premiere Design Solutions Inc. (PDS) completed the following work authorizations:
Work Authorization – KA 17-08 District 3A Step Area 3A-L1: The project entails the construction of approximately 295 linear feet of 8” PVC, two (2) sanitary sewer maintenance access structures and associated service lines and cleanouts. The proposed project has the potential to eliminate 2 or 3 septic tanks and extend public sanitary sewer service to two (2) vacant lots.
Work Authorization – KA 17-011, District 3A STEP Area 3A-E1 & 3A-E2: The project entails the construction of approximately 700 linear feet of 8” PVC, two (2) sanitary sewer maintenance access structures and associated service lines and cleanouts. The proposed project has the potential to eliminate 5 septic tanks.
Work Authorization – KA 17-010, District 3A STEP Area 3A F-1: The project entails the construction of approximately 1200 linear feet of 8” PVC, five (5) sanitary sewer maintenance access structures and associated service lines and cleanouts. The proposed project has the potential to eliminate 4 septic tanks.
Work Authorization – KA 17-012, District 1 STEP Area 1-B: The project entails the construction of approximately 1250 linear feet of 8” PVC, three (3) sanitary sewer maintenance access structures and associated service lines and cleanouts. The proposed project has the potential to eliminate 7 septic tanks.
Work Authorization KA 17-07, District 3A STEP Area 3A-D: The project entails the construction of approximately 5,000 linear feet of 8” PVC gravity sewer, maintenance access structures and associated service lines. The proposed project has the potential to eliminate several septic systems that currently serve businesses in an industrial park.